Top NYC Urologist for Penile Implant Surgery

How to Pick the Right Urologist for Your Penile Implant Surgery

Choosing the right urologist can be a challenge if you’ve never had to deal with one before. If you’re thinking about getting a penile implant installed, then choosing a qualified urologist should be your main priority. In this article, we’re going to give you a few tips on how to find the best urologist for your procedure.

Get Referrals

The first thing you should do is try to get some references. In some cases, your primary care doctor may be able to help you. However, you have to make sure that the doctor they recommend has experience with penile implants specifically. You could also gather a list of urologists online and get reviews for them through third parties.

Check their Credentials

This part is absolutely essential as well. Before you pick any urologist, make sure that you check their credentials and track record. Board certification will confirm that the urologist in question has the proper skills, experience and formation to administer urologic care. It will also allow you to see if the doctor had any disciplinary actions or malpractice claims. Sites like Healthgrades will allow you to check the doctor’s training hospital, disciplinary and malpractice history, medical school, and much more.

Ask About their Experience

Knowing how much experience a urologist has is one thing, it’s another to know how much they know about penile implants. While some urologists are more like generalists, others are specialized in penile implant procedures. Ask them how many patients they have treated and if they’ve ever had complications. Also ask about your risk for complications as well. Good doctors will be able to either prevent complications or recognize them fast enough so that the situation doesn’t aggravate.

Check their Communication Style

You can tell a lot about a doctor by how they communicate with you. Are they open to your questions and do they answer them in terms you can easily understand? A good doctor will want to know you, will take your treatment preferences into consideration, and will have respect for your decision-making process as well.

Finding a good urologist is essential for a procedure as important as a penile implant surgery. Make sure that you follow the few tips in this article if you want to find a reputable and competent urologist to perform on you.

If you’re looking for an experienced urologist for your penile implant surgery, contact us today to schedule an appointment with the best penile implant doctor in NYC.

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