What Can You Expect After Penile Implant Surgery?

If you are planning on having penile implant surgery, you may be worried about what you can expect to happen during it, as well as what to expect afterwards. Your urologist specializing in penile implants will talk to you extensively about what you can expect throughout this process. Most men will find that the recovery does take some time and may be uncomfortable, but the benefits it can offer are often well worth it. And, your recovery will differ from others.

During the First 48 Hours

The most difficult part of the healing process after penile implant surgery is the following two days. During this time, you’ll need to minimize the amount of time you are active and instead give your body time to heal. This means laying on your back as much as possible. You should also try to walk, for about 15 minutes three times a day to improve mobility after healing. Most patients will be able to return to work after a week, but should keep movement limited until you heal fully.

It is important to encourage healing, but you may need to take some extra steps to help support the pain or discomfort you are in. After three days, you’ll want to take several baths a day. This will help to reduce the amount of swelling you have and it will help to reduce any pain in the area. The warm water can be beneficial but you should not scrub the incision down. Your doctor will tell you how to handle caring for the incision. It can take up to 14 days for the swelling to go away completely. As the swelling resides, though, the pain will subside as well and you’ll be more mobile as well.

It can be worrisome to know what you can and cannot do after this type of invasive procedure. Generally, in 14 days, you’ll have the stitches removed and, you’ll be able to resume your sexual activity at the fourth to eighth week after the procedure. However, this really depends on your doctor’s recommendations. Be sure to get all of your questions fully answered before you have the procedure. To get started, schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and outcomes with our urologist who specializes in penile implants in New York City. Contact us today to learn more about what you can expect.

Contact us at 212-541-6239 to schedule a consultation today.

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